The Value of Nothing
The Value of Nothing is a story of extremes, a drama of love and betrayal, wealth and poverty, which takes place in the parts of Paris we’re not meant to see…
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A Girl Called Flotsam
Award winning TV director Beatrice Palmenter is about to make a documentary about Joseph Troumeg, world famous restaurateur and food writer. In her spare time she is a volunteer for a charity that helps clean the foreshore of the River Thames…
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The story of John Tagholm’s thousand mile walk across France from Sangatte, on the grey waters of the English Channel, to St Tropez on the sparkling Mediterranean. It is not a book about physical achievement, nor a travelogue to the glories of France…
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Parallel Lives
When psychotherapist Marjorie Nielson unexpectedly dies, she leaves behind not only the intimate details of her clients’ lives, nestling cheek by jowl in the cabinet in her office, but also the mystery of her own life and death.
Her funeral…

Bad Marriage
What makes Habiba Popals steal a picture from the National Gallery in London? What motivates her elaborate plot?
Habiba Popals, tall, distinguished and rebellious, is from frontier country: Tooting Bec…

No Identifiable Remains
One autumn morning, Oliver Dreyfuss, celebrated chef and restaurateur, sets off on a journey to Paris by train. Behind him he leaves his attractive wife, Sonya, a successful businesswomen. Ahead of him waits Karyn Baird, the designer…
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